Monthly Archives: June 2024

Creating Sacred Space

the river's dream

I was recently at a men’s group gathering of about a dozen men, where the meeting was started by “creating sacred space.” As someone who’s guided vision quests for 35 years and been on over 30 quests of my own, I’m familiar with the concept, know the feeling of, and have spent days sharing time-honored wisdom and teaching about ritual, ceremony, and practices for creating and being in sacred space.

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A Civilized Indigenous Dilemma (Part II)

I want to continue the conversation about what I call the “civilization-indigenous dilemma,” and the crux of the dilemma is this…

Most people reading this, and most people today, have grown up within the “civilized world,” and most of “us” would not want to give it up. This is a world that has given its citizens – us — antibiotics, modern medicine, and lifespans of 70-80 years… an ability to… Read More »

Circles of Air & Stone • Putney, Vermont