Sparrow’s Blog

Having a Purpose

Having a purpose

This marks the beginning of my 30th year leading vision quests. During this time, I’ve witnessed remarkable changes in many people. But beyond the particular individuals, I’ve seen how life and lives can be transformed by a sense of purpose and direction… transformed in ways that can seem almost unimaginable, ways that can make all the difference in the world.

Many people are upset by recent events, at a loss… Read More »

Ancient Wisdom for Our Current Crisis

Ancient Wisdom for Our Current Crisis

A Post-Election Assessment

“The Superior Man doesn’t waste energy fighting Evil. He makes energetic progress in the good.” – the I-Ching.

The recent election has a lot of people rattled – and perhaps it should – but I’d like to suggest that giving too much attention and fixating on the new President-elect robs us of the energy and focus we need to make the “energetic progress in the good” needed… Read More »

Vision, Mission, and Task

vision, mission, and task

“A Vision without a Task is just a pipe dream… A Task without a Vision is just drudgery… But a Vision with a Task can move the world.” — Black Elk

Having a rich, passionate life while being effective in the world requires integrating Heaven and Earth, vision and task. To do this we must join the grand and eternal with the small and immediate; wed what’s transcendent and sacred with what’s mundane and practical. Read more »

The River’s Dream

the river's dream

Row, row, row your boat,gently down the stream….

It’s no accident this nursery rhyme – simple yet profound – evokes water.  For millennia explorers have ever-sought their magical elixirs and Fountains of Youth; spas and resorts have grown up around thermal pools. As a metaphor, The River represents the Source, that primal force, energy, or condition that creates and nourishes life. Moses was cast adrift on the Nile; Christ baptized… Read More »

What people say about our Vision Quests

What a gift!

Our quest a few years ago in Death Valley changed my life forever. You helped me make deep, profound changes to my humanity by sharing your self and wisdom and letting me find my way in my own time. What a gift! Love and blessings to you.

— G. Won, Hawaii

Such an inspiration

You are an incredible Teacher, and I hope I can learn from you again in the future. The Heroic Journey is taking root in my life, more and more everyday. You’re such an inspiration to me. God bless you.

— R. L, Montreal, Quebec

Circles of Air & Stone • Putney, Vermont