Blog posts


Psyche and Psychedelics — Medicine, Part 1

altered states two

I’ve been talking about “medicine” for decades. I’ve offered workshops on Medicine Wheel teachings, traveled to the Amazon to explore medicine plants, and taught about medicine names, songs, and encounters with medicine animals. Now, with the upsurge of interest in “medicine plants,” I want to share some thoughts about what the word “Medicine” means.


View of Stone SpiralRead More »

Stirring Up Trouble

God's country

For a long time, I’ve tried to apply the mantra, “Energy flows where attention goes,” to my life, and considered my attention as perhaps the only thing I actually could control or take credit for. In service of that, for 30+ years I’ve begun most days by lighting sage and giving thanks to the world around and within me.

I recently read a blog post written by a local friend… Read More »

Chaos and Order… yin and yang

The well-known yin-yang symbol represents two snakes, the head of each one pursuing and devouring the tail of the other. The white snake (yang) is usually seen as masculine, and it creates rules, structures, and form (order). The black snake (yin), is generally seen as feminine, and represents nature and wildness, the forces of chaos and disorder.

Order (yang) creates agreements and the stability, safety, and predictability that follow, but… Read More »

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The Fertile Darkness

altered states one

Approaching the Winter Solstice, we enter the darkest time of the year. Yet, this time, though dark, is referred to as “the Holidays” (Holy Days) and — lasting from Thanks-giving to Christmas – associated with gratitude and the giving of gifts.

What gifts do we want to give in these dark times? What light or warmth do we want to bring to the world… to whom?

It’s in those times… Read More »

Circles of Air & Stone • Putney, Vermont