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Mythic Warrior 8-Month Adventure

November 8, 2024 - June 1, 2025


An 8-Month Training Adventure for Men … 

Cost: $375/weekend (before October 1; $450/weekend after)

  • Men’s Program Mythic Warrior

    Pay a deposit of $375.00 per item

Led by… Sparrow Hart, River Strong, Andrew Harvey, and others…

Nearly all men have the experience of being under-fathered, and consequently, over-mothered. We have grown up in our mother’s castle, and although we may have physically left, very few of us have really separated. Mother comes with us, standing between us and other men, projected onto women in our lives. Without love, guidance and teaching from fathers and elders, we struggle with how to become, and what it means to be a man.

Without fathers, elders to initiate us into a sacred sense of masculinity, to ground us in the spiritual and emotional life of men, we are confused about power. Having no positive, male mode of personal power, we react to the omnipresent feminine: we push it away, degrading and trying to dominate it in ourselves and in women; we submit, trying to become nice men, good boys. Overly passive or overly aggressive, men are often, at their core, lost. We vacillate, dependent, somehow needing to separate, unable to commit, unable to leave.

This training is for men who want to stand on their own ground, who want to see themselves in a masculine mirror, to find a sacred sense of the self outside our mother’s and women’s world. It is for men who wish to move beyond adolescence, to find our power through seeing our lives as a quest for vision.

Meeting one weekend a month for 8 months, beginning November 8, 2024, the group will enact a modern-day hero’s journey. Using depth psychology, ritual, initiatory activities and group processes, we will identify the mother-son conflict that lives in us, separating from adolescence, reaction and dependency. We will cross the threshold of the sacred, developing personal and male rituals to support and guide us through life, creating self-trust and a nurturing, healthy masculinity that can help heal ourselves, families, and communities.

This 8-month men’s training has three phases which mirror all traditional rites of passage:

FALL:  November 8-10 – December 6-8 — January 3-5…

Severance; the end of Summer; saying goodbye to our childhoods. We cut the cords that hold us to a little boy’s view of the world, and we give them a decent burial. With mythological guidance, through psychodrama, journaling, personal ritual, and other processes we discover the ways we’re still imprisoned by mother’s (and father’s) view of us; how those stories and wounds express themselves in our relationships and lives; and we sever from the old story and sense of ourselves as victim of that story. We begin our journey.

WINTER:  February 7-9 – March 7-9 — April 4-6…

Entering the sacred world; the journey within. In the winter we enter stillness, discover and nurture the life that sleeps under the ground — our true self under the surface of things. We journey to the underworld; search for and reclaim the lost self. Through holotropic breathwork, shamanic journeys, dreamwork, council and ritual we discover the wise ones who live within: our allies and guides. We encounter the grail, the seed of our vision, our bliss, and claim our special gift to give to “our people.” We explore the male mode of feeling, nurturing, and loving, and our personal connection to the mature male archetypes of Warrior, Lover, Magician, and King.

SPRING:   May 2-4 — May 30 – June 1…

Return; resurrection; rebirth. In spring we are birthed from the male womb into the world. In the company of other men, we affirm sacred masculinity; create and undergo a rite of passage; inhabit our “purpose circle” on the earth  and initiate ourselves into manhood. We encounter the feminine, in ourselves and in the world, from the foundation of a strong and loving masculine presence. Through wilderness solo, prayer lodge, ritual enactment and council circles we will affirm and strengthen our commitment to life: to generate, to guide, to bless and celebrate the giving of our gifts to our people.

The training will be held at Stumpsprouts Retreat Center in Hawley, MA. Fields, ponds, woodland streams, and stunning views adorn the area.

Sparrow Hart created the Mythic Warrior Training in 1994 and has led vision quests, workshops, and journeys of the soul across the U.S. for over 35 years. He is an author, counselor, and teaches courses and workshops on the hero’s journey, shamanism, nature and the spirit, and the path of the warrior. He founded and directed the Men’s Wisdom Council at the Rowe Conference Center for over 20 years and has been involved in the men’s movement for almost twice that.

The cost is $375 per weekend (before October 1, $450/weekend after) and includes Zoom calls between our gatherings to integrate the weekends lessons. We offer a 10% discount if you bring a friend/another man. Payment may be made monthly, but we require a commitment to the entire 8-month program. A deposit of $375 is required to reserve your space and will be applied to the final weekend. If special circumstances require an alternative payment plan, these may be negotiated on an individual basis. The weekends will begin on Friday evenings at 8 P.M., concluding early Sunday afternoons. Directions and further information will be sent upon enrollment.

Food & Lodging

We look forward to sharing this journey with a group of committed people. The following addresses some of the things you will need to know and logistics of the weekends.

The weekends will begin at 8:00 PM on Friday nights and end at approximately 1:00 to 1:30 on Sunday. We recommend that you arrive a little early — to relax, to unload whatever you’ve brought, to walk the land, etc. — so that we will be able to start promptly at 8:00. We especially recommend this for our first meeting. The directions are easier to follow if there’s some daylight.

Stumpsprouts provides beds with a mattress, but you must bring your own bedding. Most people bring a sleeping bag, but you can bring sheets and blankets if you prefer. Also bring whatever personal toiletries you require, a writing pad or journal, a pen or pencil, and whatever sacred or ritual objects are important to you.

Food: Our meal plan will be somewhat flexible to accommodate the timing of the various exercises and activities we will do on the weekends, but in general it will look something like this: Friday evening — no meal, but snack food will be available. Saturday mornings Coffee/tea/light snack early. Brunch will be a major meal, generally happening around 10:30 AM. Dinner will be the other major meal of the day and may happen as early as 5:00 or as late as 8:00 depending on our work together. Snacks will be available.  Sunday morning will be a breakfast, after which we will clean up and finish our work.

Each month men will bring a contribution to our meals together. From the second weekend onward, we will have a regular rotation where one month you may bring snacks, the next a dinner entree, the next, juice, etc.

Since we do not yet know the number of participants we have, before the first month we will write or email you to let you know the item or category of food for you to bring, and we will give you contact information for the other men in the program.

If you have any questions, call or email Sparrow Hart at 802-387-6624…

We look forward to seeing you.


Stumpsprouts Retreat Center is in Hawley, MA

From Boston or eastern Massachusetts: Route 2 runs east-west across the whole state of Massachusetts. Take Route 2 West to Charlemont, MA.  Then, take Route 8A South 6 miles to West Hill Road. Turn Right and continue up the hill for one mile.

From Hartford, New York City or most of Connecticut: If you are coming from Connecticut or New York, get yourself onto Interstate 91, which runs north-south from Hartford and New Haven to Vermont. Take I-91 to Route 2 in Greenfield, MA (Exit 26). Then take Route 2 west to Charlemont, MA. Next, take Route 8A south 6 miles to West Hill Road. Turn right and continue up the hill for one mile.

If you are coming from Vermont, take I-91 south to Route 2 west. Then follow the directions above.

If you have any difficulty, on the weekend you can leave a message at 971-239-6463. For information before the weekend, call 802-387-6624 or email

Good Luck !

What to Bring

Bring clothing appropriate to the season and weather. We will be spending some time outdoors each weekend, even in winter, so it’s important that you bring clothing that will keep you comfortable. In the winter, good boots, gloves, hat, and jacket are essential. Rain gear is also recommended.

Stumpsprouts provides beds with a mattress, but you must bring your own bedding. Most people bring a sleeping bag, but you can bring sheets and blankets if you prefer. Also bring whatever personal toiletries you require, a writing pad or journal, a pen or pencil, and whatever sacred or ritual objects are important to you. We will often have a central altar to remind us of our commitment to Spirit, and you can add your energetic presence to that space by bringing things that are significant to you. Drums, rattles, and musical instruments are also encouraged. Part of reclaiming our lost selves is learning and expressing ourselves in ways that are outside of the ego and its habitual domain of talking and reason.

For our first meeting, please bring two other things: 1) An item that symbolizes or expresses something you want to say goodbye to or put behind you; and 2) a poem, song (live or taped), or reading that expresses this point in your life.



November 8, 2024
June 1
Event Categories:


Stumpsprouts Retreat Center, Hawley, Massachusetts
64 West Hill Road
Hawley, MA 01339 United States
+ Google Map


Sparrow Hart
River Strong
Andrew Harvey

Please note: A deposit is required for most programs. Full payment is due 30 days before the program starts. Barring exceptional circumstances — deposits cannot be refunded after that time.

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