Vision Quest, Death Valley, California
Big Pine, California Baker Creek Campground, Big Pine, CA, United StatesImmense, grand vistas, land of Gold Rush stories and geological oddities. Graveled washes in rocky canyons, sand dunes, silence, vast sky, sparse vegetation. Time stretches into the distance, stars brilliant in the wide sky overhead… the stillness punctuated by calls of coyote or raven…
Vision Quest, Aldo Leopold Wilderness, New Mexico
New Mexico Silver City, NM, United StatesAn area of great geological and biodiversity. Rugged mountains descend through grass and wildflower meadows to lush river-bottom land. Cottonwoods, oaks, and other deciduous trees line the rivers, while ponderosa pine forests and pinion-juniper cactus zones characteristic of high desert thrive close-by. Cliff dwellings and caves, pictographs, and shards of ancient pottery coexist with a wide range of wildlife. Hiking, moderate, doable by an average person. No campground fees.
Weekend Workshop, Shamanic Journeys, Vermont
Southern Vermont Putney, VT, United StatesThe heroic and shamanic journeys are mythological themes that require the protagonist to journey into another order of reality, a landscape of magic and mystery… eventually to return with new and more authentic power. In this workshop we’ll use the tools of shamanic journeying and breathwork to access this vibrant and mysterious realm. The unknown is vastly greater than the known, and when the self is removed from center, the world around it expands correspondingly.
Vision Quest, Chama River Wilderness, New Mexico
Abiquiu, New Mexico 21196 US-84, Abiquiu, New Mexico, United StatesThe stunning Chama River Wilderness embodies the classic mesa-canyon country associated with the Southwest. Vertical rock cliffs striped in Georgia O’Keefe pastels frame the river’s course as summer brings bright sunshine and brilliant stars, the singing of canyon wren and cicadas, and an occasional afternoon thunderstorm.
Vision Quest, Somerset Lake, Vermont
Somerset Lake, Vermont VT, United StatesThe fertile Earth reveals herself in lush woodlands, streams, and lakes. Moose wander a forest thick with ferns and moss-covered boulders. Beaver ponds and the lake’s glassy water reflect mountains and sky. Life abounds – almost erupts – as geese honk, ducks quack, and loons call across the distance. Beaver and otter patrol the shoreline as eagle and osprey dive for fish. Hiking assessment: Moderate – about 2-1/2 miles, rolling to mostly flat.
Vision Quest, Green Mountain Forest, Vermont
Southern Vermont Putney, VT, United StatesAlong the lake shore, swirls of mist lift from the water with the morning sun as islands emerge from the fog. Leaves are turning gold and crimson as geese splash down to rest on their southward journey. The forest offers a thousand treasures in miniature kingdoms of moss, fields of mushrooms sprouting from mossy logs, and water splashing through boulder-strewn streams... all amidst the brilliant palette of autumn leaves.
Vision Quest, Gila Wilderness, New Mexico
New Mexico Silver City, NM, United StatesMountain, desert, and river ecologies blend together in a rich and diverse intermingling. The first designated wilderness in the world, this is an area of stunning variety. Incredibly rich in animal life – deer, mule deer, turkeys, wild boar, and elk are common. Birthplace of Geronimo, it was once home to the Apaches as well as ancient cliff-dwelling peoples who mysteriously disappeared 800 years ago. Evidence of their stay remains, their energy palpable. Hot springs and geothermal energy abound.
Mythic Warrior 8-Month Adventure
Stumpsprouts Retreat Center, Hawley, Massachusetts 64 West Hill Road, Hawley, MA, United StatesAn 8-Month Training Adventure for Men ... Cost: $375/weekend (before October 10; $450/weekend after) Led by... Sparrow Hart, River Strong, Andrew Harvey, and others... Nearly all men have the experience of being under-fathered, and consequently, over-mothered. We have grown up in our mother's castle, and although we may have physically left, very few of us have really separated. Mother comes with us, standing between us and other men, projected onto women… Read More »
Workshop, Mayan Adventures, Yucatan, Mexico
Puerto Morelos, Mexico Rancho Sakol, Puerto Morelos, MexicoSelf in Sacred Relationship: A Celebration of Inner and Outer Life in a Caribbean Paradise. We invite you to join us for a week of retreat, vacation, fun, and adventure as we journey on a quest for a richer, more spacious, and creative sense of self. It calls to us in our dreams and longings. It resides in our bodies, profound and primal in its ability to “make sense.”