Vision Quests
Workshop, The Dreamtime, Vermont
Putney, Vermont Putney, VT, United StatesDiscover a Dream Worth Living
We live within a magical universe, and yet we’re often unaware of what’s within and all around us. In this workshop we’ll dive deep, immersing ourselves in dreams and nature, moving beyond the boundaries of personal reality into broader, fluid, and more imaginative experiences of ourselves and the world.
Embracing the Transition – A Passage Experience for Elders. (Southern VT)
Southern Vermont Putney, VT, United StatesThe traditional elder’s journey is a rite of passage — the end of one thing and the beginning of something else. The endings associated with aging can be stark and challenging... the loss of friends, prestige, strength, social validation, or dreams that were once so important…In this unique Passage Experience for Elders, we will not shy away from the inevitable transition as we discover ways of being fully alive within it. Our deep intentions will be bold and uncompromising: “living as if our last.” As the wheel turns, how will we live?