There are vision quests offered in various parts of the country. What difference might this make in my quest experience?

In thinking about a vision quest, you might consider it as an interaction between ‘set’ and ‘setting.’ ‘Set’ encompasses what you bring to the experience – emotions, expectations, motivations, intentions, etc. – while setting is what appears to be outside – landscape, climate and weather, animals, etc.

Your set, whether positive or challenging (desires and demons, purposes and fears) will likely be the same regardless of where you undertake a vision quest, while the settings can vary widely in different locations and different times of the year.

Particular settings do have unique qualities and differing energies. Death Valley is a land of grand vistas and immense space, is dominated by the elements of air and fire, while, Vermont, and with its wildlife, streams, and lakes embodies the elements of earth and water. (A more detailed description of sites is provided on the website

Some people consider it important to quest within the area and ecology closest to where they live, while others feel drawn to go outside of what is familiar to them. However, a quest always involves the encounter between the known and unknown, and the desire to discover what is unknown and wanting to emerge in ourselves will lead us to approach even the most familiar settings in new and unusual ways.

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What people say about our Vision Quests

What a gift!

Our quest a few years ago in Death Valley changed my life forever. You helped me make deep, profound changes to my humanity by sharing your self and wisdom and letting me find my way in my own time. What a gift! Love and blessings to you.

— G. Won, Hawaii

Such an inspiration

You are an incredible Teacher, and I hope I can learn from you again in the future. The Heroic Journey is taking root in my life, more and more everyday. You’re such an inspiration to me. God bless you.

— R. L, Montreal, Quebec

Circles of Air & Stone • Putney, Vermont